JOBHN63.ZIP 1779,891 05-31-95 JobHunt (tm) with Resume, V.6.3L, 05/30/95JOBS RESUME CAREER EMPLOYMENT WINDOWS JOBContact up to 10,000 employers TONIGHT! Makemoney doing mass mailings for others.Major-employer database. Full contact-info.
Automatic mail merge; prints personalizedLetters/Labels/Envelopes; Create StunningResumes in COLOR. Phone dialer. Export. 9,000more records on registration ($29.95) "JOBHUNT Helps You Get a Job" Byte Mag.
JOBS.ZIP 95,578 06-01-93 Jobs v2.0. Organize and keep track of networkcontacts, target companies, executive searchfirms, temporary placement firms, direct mailand job hunting expenses. Runs on dBase IIIPlus and Foxpro v2.0 and later.
JOBS20.ZIP 95,578 06-01-93 Database system for managing a change of jobs
RESKIT12.ZIP 135,832 09-22-93 PC PERSONAL RESUME KIT v1.2; Buildpersonalized 'electronic' resumes- The PCPersonal Resume Kit allows you to build an'electronic' resume (complete with adigitized image of yourself) that will
personify you in an original manner withdetails to enhance your personal assets.ORIGINALITY is the key!
RESMST.ZIP 158,735 09-16-91 Good resume program.
RESMSTR.ZIP 158,500 10-01-92 A resume generator
RESUME.ZIP 225,878 02-12-94 Speech friendly resume writer. Creates textfile that you can use for faxing or printout. Edit and colors! Contains Marg theshareware text file formatter as well.
RESUME30.ZIP 151,305 08-24-92 New resume program, very comprehensive, withon line help and documentation, configueresume in different ways, with examples.
RESUME92.ZIP 122,130 09-05-91 Resume program with many options.
RESUMSTR.ZIP 158,588 04-26-92 Easy to use resume generator that quicklyprepares a professional looking resume toland you that sought after job. Full featuredprogram that is guaranteed to give you thewinning edge. Create resumes by chronological
order or for targeted job. Does it all.
RES_EZ.ZIP 57,966 10-11-94 RESUME - EZ v 2.0 A program to create aResume, and/or cover page. The RESUME - EZ isuser-friendly, Simply fill in the fileds andprint.
RITRES1C.ZIP 1147,054 05-06-95 THE RIGHT RESUME for Windows v1.0 TRR is apowerful Windows-based job hunting package.Very powerful, yet easy to use. Create choiceof 3 different resume types; Fully-functionalWYSIWYG word processor for cover letters,
customizing resume, etc.; Ability to easilygenerate different resumes from one datasource without having to retype; On-linehelp; On-disk manual; More.
RPRO16.ZIP 61,292 05-04-91 Good Resume Generator
RS40.ZIP 88,273 09-25-94 Resume Shop v4.0 Resume Preparation Program
SRP231.ZIP 104,987 03-20-93 Steve's Resum Program v2.31: keeps a databaseof your resume data which you can update andprint at will; option to print resume to afile or printer w/many print options;function key interface
TEMP10.ZIP 105,068 06-13-95 TempServ 1.0 Finding A Job
T_RES11.ZIP 225,885 02-12-94 A speech friendly resume writer. Creates textfile that you can use for faxing or printout. Edit and colors too! Contains Marg thegreat shareware text file formatter as well.
YHIRE133.ZIP 236,846 02-04-95 YOU'RE HIRED! v1.33 <ASP> - Informative jobinterview simulator that provides realistictraining to prepare you for your next jobinterview. "You're Hired!" asks you commonchallenging questions and records elapsed
times as you verbally respond. Press a key toreceive professional advice and to reviewyour own reminder notes. Also add, change,and print the questions and advice. Practicemakes perfect. 512K RAM. From DataWell $26.95